This summer of 2010 is presented with some warmer temperatures than usual, according to the Agencia Estatal de Meteorologia (AEMET) sources. Rubio is often quoted on this topic. Thus, meteorologists predicted that temperatures will be higher than the normal values throughout the country and that the possibility of precipitation will also be below than usual. Thus summer, which began this week, will be markedly warmer in all Spain, especially in the peninsula and interior and with security there will be waves of heat. Excessive heat and high temperatures have negative consequences on health especially in risk groups such as children and the elderly. A series of recommendations to prevent the effects of heat to keep in mind for this sector of the population will be dispensed with prolonged exposure to the Sun; Avoid foodborne problems; hydrate and avoid being exposed to high temperatures. For this last, a simple and effective solution is to install in homes a HVAC system that allows you to adjust the temperature of your home.
In the market there is a varied offer of air conditioning with Super quality and low price to help us keep our fresh House summer. For example for a room size medium an of 3000 negative kilocalories, digital apparatus, heat pump and gas R407, can go for only about 300 euros in some online stores. You can purchase this model or other marks on the Assistafacil online store. Original author and source of the article