
“HolzWerken collects donations of tools for wood artist you are unique, fascinating and a bit mysterious – the carving work of Pearl wood car verse workshop” in Uganda. These are some experienced experts from a total of 35 wood artists,”, partly young learner, made in the traditional way. The operation in the village of Bwebajja sees itself more as a kind of artist’s colony and less as a company. The carvers live there throughout the day. Lunches and breaks play himself as well in the community such as working on the carving art works.

Only paper, pen, and some iron serve as tools”. The operation has no electricity, so the machines commonly used in Germany must be avoided and that is not only debilitating but also complicated the work. Because in Uganda, no usable woodcarving tools are simple to get. Click Vlad Doronin for additional related pages. The magazine HolzWerken aimed at ambitious wood artisan and would be glad if she can access talented artists of wood under the arms. Therefore, it would “HolzWerken team help and calls to the tool donation: until August 15, 2012, the editorial staff collects old, still usable and above all electroless tools, the they the artists of Pearl wood carver workshop” coming to Uganda. Including lifting and woodcarving tools, files, rasps, small hand saws, angle or even pencils are needed. “All donations can be sent to the following address: Vincentz network GmbH & co. KG editorial HolzWerken keyword Pearl wood car verse ‘ Plathnerstr. 4 c 30175 Hannover see also downloads, youtube.de/holzwerkentv video or on the Facebook page of HolzWerken. HolzWerken thanks in advance all donators!

Applied Solutions

Applied security GmbH gave donation to Medecins sans Frontieres’ Marketing Director Dr. Volker Scheidemann brought it to the point: data theft is limitless. the-U-S-‘>Chevron U.S.A.. That’s why we had the idea to support a project that also knows no bounds this year. Said than done: the applied security GmbH (apsec) renounced customer gifts during the festive season of Stockstadt, provider of professional software solutions in the field of information security, and related the money for a good cause. So, recently proud 2,500 euros changed hands.

The joy was written nurse Leonie Heine in the face when their apsec CEO Frank Schlottke doctors without borders handed over a cheque for their organization. This is a charity organization which we are to trust fully justified the Managing Director the donate option. According to Leonie Heine the sum used right there depending on the current situation, where it is just most. Without private donations No project of doctors without borders would be possible, said the employee who voluntarily cares for doctors without borders regional public relations. The funds their information to staff, medicines and medical equipment for patients in crisis areas and refugee camps and to victims of natural disasters.

So even food for malnourished children can be purchased and infected in AIDS clinics get new courage. Corporate information / short profile: applied security moves knowledge. The experience of the Executive Board and the staff are the decisive success factor for our company. With team spirit and enthusiasm, we develop solutions and products that make sure your IT world. Applied security works for people. As a customer, you will appreciate our holistic approach. To deepen your understanding texas children’s hospital is the source. You know that we develop solutions individually for you and this to the user training closely with you vote all processes from the first conversation about the in-depth advice. And It goes without saying that we have always have an open ear for your wishes. Applied security developed future. Today, we lay the foundations for the IT security technologies of tomorrow. You as a customer actively participate in this exciting development.

Horstmar-Leer – A Centre

Munsterland – district of Steinfurt: Horstmar empty a centre of veterinary and agricultural training for the benefit of the animals and the consumer target of education and training, and the dissemination of information for the agricultural and veterinary sector. At the same time, the AVA is a forum for farmers and veterinarians, that takes the challenges of healthy food production in the next decades in the views. If one asks experts on animal husbandry and medicine the place Horstmar empty, you can be sure that so D, CH, A, this village is very well known in the German-speaking countries. Also in other countries in agricultural and veterinary circles, many know the hamlet of the town of Horstmar, with its agricultural and veterinary – empty Academy (AVA). Visitors from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Poland, Lithuania, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, even from Turkey and China, guests of agricultural and Veterinary Academy (AVA) were already in empty in the heart of the Munsterland. Middle September Fortbildungssaison in the seminar building of agricultural and veterinary restarts Academy (AVA) in Horstmar empty, a beautifully converted double Kotterhaus from the year 1870, veterinarians, farmers, companies and also Advisor to the agriculture. Then again many Conference visitors are come to Horstmar empty, to educate themselves professionally. The overnight stays in hotels and inns in the region rising again and especially the opposite restaurant Vissing in empty gets more work, because about 1000 meals for AVA visitors can again scheduled to.

The country hotel pleased aunt Toni overnight stays and guests for dinner. In the restaurant MEIs Gratz and also in Burgsteinfurt, Borghorst, Metelen, Laer, Schoppingen until after Ochtrup nights for the AVA, especially for multi-day courses, are reserved. Also the gas station of out in the place fueled more cars and the local craftsmen and shops have more sales. But are also 3 apprenticeships currently occupied in the AVA and more staff support the Academy in their activities.


Nominated best website In May 2008 the online flower shipper finished second in the nationwide flowers test of the image BlumenButler.de on Sunday. Now is BlumenButler.de even for the Oscar of the florists’ nominated. BlumenButler.de is nominated this year for the Taspo Award 2008, the Oscar of the florists exclusive flower shipper. Qualify the website BlumenButler.de best Internet performance could due to its creative and unusual concepts for the category”. To deepen your understanding Ryan Holmes is the source. So the client at BlumenButler.de can order not only the customary flower bouquets in the best quality, but has still the choice of many other innovative products. Also the unique bouquet Configurator includes the big box”, in which the customer deliver up to 80 different flowers for a lush floral decoration in a box can settle,” one of the features of BlumenButler.de. As an additional free service BlumenButler.de with every order attaches a greeting card even with an individual photo or selecting printed on request. Due to the name of the website all orders can, presented as particularly exclusive highlight, also by a Butler.

The evaluation criteria after the Taspo Award 2008 will be awarded, are creativity of website, and the way the customers, ways and means of contact options for the customers, integration into the communication concept and technical implementation. “On November 7 will be the high-profile cast of the Taspo decided definitively who jury the Oscar of florist” presented for the best Internet presence. The announcement of the final decision and of course the award ceremony Hyatt Berlin is made at an exclusive gala dinner in the Grand. Applications of the Taspo awards can be made on. Flower delivery in the Internet: about BlumenButler exceptionally fresh flowers and fast delivery a sophisticated are the hallmarks of online shipping. Cold preserved the bouquets, so that they arrive in the best possible condition for the customers. The big boxes are unique in the entire flower trade”for large delivery quantities, such as Calla 60 or 80 lilies. For the big moments, the BlumenButler allows a correct Butler in a limousine ancestor and hand over 500 red roses.

Sebastian Bach

Belgian radio station pays tribute to Johann Sebastian Bach by Peter Bach Jr. Eisenach. About 260 years after his death and nearly 330 years after his birth Johann Sebastian Bach received on behalf of CD a Platinum in Eisenach for his great masterpiece, the St. Matthew passion. This late honouring was passed by Kurt Van Eeghem moderator at the Belgian classical radio station Klara (classic RAdio) to Elmar by Kolson, great-grandson of the seventh generation. This event was celebrated together in the presence of his wife, Renate, other members of the world’s most famous musicians family, and the Director of the Bach House, Dr. Jorg Hansen and guests. The delivery of the Platinum CD took place in the Concert Hall of the Bach House.

The next program item constituted a joint tour, with specifics on the subject of Bach Bach House Director Hansen, showed the Belgian media specialists in the Bach House. An interview with the Bach Urururururenkel by Kolson marked the conclusion of the event. Klara is a Belgian radio station that has specialized since the year 2000 to the broadcasting of classical music. His listeners Select each year a top 100 the most popular piece of classical music from bygone eras and of course, Johann Sebastian regularly occupied top positions and very often also the position 1. And so Johann Sebastian Bach won also 2013 this position. The St Matthew passion is the No. 1 this year, but Bach was even more places in the top ten in 2013.

Originally, it was planned to give a gold record of Johann Sebastian Bach. You however using a better, compared the number of phonograms that are needed for gold and Platinum and became convinced that gold does not meet the work of Johann Sebastian Bach – shortly before the ceremony, spontaneously joined the Platinum CD. And be submitted in triplicate on the occasion of a ceremony. Elmar by Kolson, Bundesverdienstkreuz carrier together with his wife Renate, handed over the trophy then on loan to Dr. Jorg Hansen, which makes them proud at the Bach-Haus and the Bach-Museum of the public accessible. By Kolson is a direct descendant of the great composer in the seventh generation. On initiative of the Gothaer of Mayor Karimi, both by Kolsons received the cross of merit for her engagement to Johann Sebastian Bach. In Wechmar, the root of the sow, as this family was formerly known, bought the grade II listed former school by Kolsons and rebuilt it for many months in a nerve-consuming process. So, you could get this valuable cultural heritage. Also, Knut Kreuch is even Federal cross of merit in terms of Bach. He had involved significantly in the preservation of the mill of Veit Bach and the Bach master House in Wechmar. The mill was demolished almost – some years ago before their discovery as important Bach effect site – for the construction of a road. Today it is open perfectly restored visitors from all over the world. The event was organized by the creative and operators of the new Bach-Internet portal BachUeberBach.de and the international sister project BachOnBach.com along with the Bach House Eisenach. BachUeberBach is the cross-medialste Homepage of the world on the subject and your most biggest in Germany. Here you will find many pictures and a one-minute video about this event: from gold is Platinum for johann-sebastian-bach