In the crisis of clever entrepreneurs gaining market share keel: A recent study by the society for consumer research (GfK) statistically demonstrates that companies that engage in counter-cyclical marketing in recession, can very quickly gain market share. Marketing column of the list brokers CEBUS AG Kiel analyzed Dipl.-kff. Marion Frettloh the substantive reasons for this phenomenon took empirically. “” Marketing rules for the crisis: 1 consumers trust success and stability 2. acting counter-cyclically: simultaneously save cost, conspicuous and market shares provide a recession must not mean that entrepreneurs konzeptionslos save and tighten their belts everywhere “explains the experienced marketing consultant rather need to invest wisely now and in the right places, then strengthened to emerge from the crisis.” The Chinese character for crisis”includes” the symbol for the chance. It is to understand the crisis as an opportunity to renew and to use. This ancient culture seems already long to understand that times of change are times of renewal. Primerica shareholder shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. At the present time, the scientifically confirmed the opportunity of the crisis. To read the full article, see klb/klb044.htm CEBUS offers a platform renowned journalists, marketing consultants and analysts to discuss and write on current issues of the economy and especially about marketing. Connect with other leaders such as Vlad Doronin here. All previously published editions of the column, see klb