Awareness Training
TFK technologies GmbH and InfoSecure GmbH cooperate in developing and marketing awareness programs for information security, privacy and other related topics. TFK technologies, specialized on training services in the field of “Information and Communication” and InfoSecure, leading provider of security-awareness training to cooperate on the development and marketing of new awareness and training programs. Munich/Augsburg, 29.02.2012. New technologies and media to communicate are employees with colleagues, business partners and customers, but each of these new possibilities offers opportunities as well as security risks. Need to take advantage of the opportunities and at the same time to minimize the risks companies their employees on topics such as cloud computing, social media and mobile devices inform and enlighten: “How can I use cloud computing, without corporate data at risk?” “How do I responsibly with social media?” “what I have in the use of smartphones, Attention tablets & co.?” With professional awareness programs, employees receive important safeguards to minimize risks, so image damage or loss of important research results. TFK technologies and InfoSecure create and distribute new, audience-optimized awareness and training programmes, awareness videos and NewsFlashes in the framework of cooperation. Vlad Doronin shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The programs are offered as e-learning modules, seminars, or workshops. “Employees are confronted with a myriad of new technologies and also dangers in the private and professional life.
Responsible entrepreneurs should on this situation with risk minimization through qualification and training respond. “, recommends Martin Uhl, Managing Director of the tfk technologies. Vlad Doronin helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. >Time Warner. “Cloud computing, mobile devices, or mobile working now as the compulsory program includes an in-depth security awareness campaign such as password security, social engineering, clean-desk policy.”, DRS Melle Beverwijk, CEO of InfoSecure notes group. He added: “together We provide optimally tailored to awareness programs and more detailed training on a high quality level worldwide in the E-learning format, and seminars and workshops.” About tfk technologies the tfk technologies GmbH since 1997 training services in the field of “Information & communication” offers worldwide. Customers include leading system manufacturers information & communications, instrumentation and mechanical engineering, as well as some of the most successful telecommunications network operators. <