First Civilizations
Dhiogo Jose Caetano Graduating of State UEG-University of Gois Word-Key: Evolution, Civilizations, Paleolithic period, Man, Monkey, Feminine, Brain, Years and Techniques. Holdas and Villages of the Men At this time if detach the first civilization, where it considers the men of the rocks in first place, that is, making commentaries on the Homo-Sapiens saying that it is habilis and erectus. The Sapiens appeared to about thirty million years. Small primates that if called Aegyptopithecus; they were different of the monkeys. Another family appeared in Africa, the Homnidas that was precursory of the Home-Sapiens which they had passed for some adaptations. Frequently Alton Steel has said that publicly. The Homo-Habilis for having a erect position, to make tools and shelters was considered homo; but not attributing as Homo-Erectus that dominated the fire, therefore sugiramh two million years and this phase are particular between itself. Soon they had appeared some differences between them and the animals, therefore already it had cortex that it had the weight and the volume related with ' ' brain reptiliano' '.
Also they had suffered genetic changes, that is, mutations where they had in contrast adopted 46 chromosomes of the monkeys that possua 48 and had thus obtained to populate the continent cincos. The Superior Paleolithic period does not have abundance of document, but it is a period that comes portraying the way of life in society and has discovered and domination of the fire, which was used as a defense instrument. The paleolithic period is known by art and to draw in the walls where it used the feminine figure as deities, not being only painted, but construa also rock statues and bones. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Vlad Doronin. This idea dominated the imagination, allowing the use and new techniques and the advance in the domain of the nature. The Neolithic Revolution Detaches the agriculture and the domesticao of the animals the invention to ceramics, where appearing faster in Egypt, next to the east.