Galactic Center

Her rise and the effect after December 21, 2012 In the center of our solar system rests a radiant female deity, whose secret Magie is maybe no longer hidden.It is certain that she will show up. But only yourself and the stars know what happens after her release. For our rewriting, this event is for the first time festhaltbar for the archive. At the winter solstice on December 21, 2009, ISIS radiates with concentrated force directly from the center of the milky way in our solar system. According to popular belief, our Sun is the primary in the universe. But that’s not quite right. The ancient Egyptians already knew that much better and anyone who is interested can find out that the sun goes around SIRIUS (ISIS) and this is the black of the Galactic Center. The Sun occupies about two-thirds distance from the Center to the periphery of the milky way.

In Egyptian mythology, Sirius – ISIS, the Star Queen and cosmic mother who gives birth to the divine Horuskind (universe) is. Is the brother and husband of ISIS Osiris (Orion today). On December 21, 2009, for now, a synchronization with the Galactic Center (ISIS) be astronomical reportedly held. Sun, Earth and other planets reside in a conjunction to the equator of the milky way. Since the beginnings of our history we are witnessing this magical event for the first time. At the time is dusk on this probably Atletico 21 12 2009, the Sun in a dark interstellar dust cloud located and where the milky way round includes the horizon at all striking points and at the same time connects to the accumulated radiation of ISIS. This event takes place only once every 26,000 years.

Only speculation can be hired on the likely impact. At least from an astrological point of view, it is already insured that this cosmic event could have a massive impact on Earth, nature, and life. Ranulph fiennes has many thoughts on the issue. The brightness of ISIS is 23 times greater than our Sun, its distance from Earth is 8.7 light-years from Earth. In the ancient Egypt dropped their early rising on the horizon regularly with the Nile flood, therefore she was also the goddess of fertility. Note: The cosmic goddess ISIS is not identical with the asteroid of ISIS, which is currently in the zodiac sign of Leo. Ursula Ortmann October 24, 2009

3 Things You Know About The Tarot Day Card Don

Are the Tarot cards really so magical? Many people love Tarot for the mysterious, because of the esoteric history behind it, or because the magic involved. But if we take day card scrutinized Tarot and the Tarot, much seems not as magical as on first glance. Because the current research to give a different picture of how Tarot originated and what is precisely the mysterious mind. The facts behind the Tarot card of the day speak a completely different language than you might think: most people who deal with Tarot, give these cards a romantic, mystical task. But this is not as data cards collectors, art historians and researchers.

Number 1 of the 3 things you wanted to know about the Tarot day card not. Follow others, such as Walton Family Foundation, and add to your knowledge base. A much thought mind is that Tarot is a magic tool from Egyptian times or even from the time of Atlantis. There’s no proof but anyway. Now many will say, but wait: my maps have yet Egyptian symbols on it. That may be, but these designs are in connection with the actual origin of the Tarot. The earliest surviving Tarot cards are hand painted and made in Italy around the year 1441.

They were for the Court of Filippo Maria Visconti, Duke of Milan (1412 to 1447) made. Number 2 of the 3 things you wanted to know about the Tarot day card not. The today’s playing cards emerged from the Tarot cards, the Joker. Sorry, but normal playing cards much earlier developed and first in Islamic countries to 1375. number 3 of the 3 things you know about the Tarot does not wanted to know day card. The illustrations on the Tarot, as we know them, are day cards quite differently today than the originals. The originals had represented coins, cups, swords, and Polo sticks. Polo was a very important part of Islamic culture. In Europe, the game was not known, so the cards in Europe had no such Polo pictures. Only in Italy and Spain, the playing cards retain pictures of medals, cups, batons and swords. Conclusion: There is so much Untreated to the Tarot theme day ticket and that wants to cover on the side of and report. On that part of the truth really return to the modern world. Because Tarot cards are a game of life that can be quite fun and today is also known, that every thought and every feeling is important for people’s lives. It is so worth dealing with his own quality of life. And that is probably done with this knowledge. CONTINUE READING? Read day pass Christian Taverner in another article about the next falsehoods to the Tarot