Not could anyone imagine a worse start to the Championship of Spain 2011, organisational disaster has been such that all pilots TR1 and some other categories not have been able to complete the trial in the time allowed due to some impressive queues at the entrance of the areas. If last season the initial test of the Championship of Spain held at Parcmotor Castelloli made headlines for being the first with regulation Openfree, and everything was well within the logical doubts before so many changes, this year it will be news by an unprecedented, and is that all ilotos TR1 have been deleted not be able to complete the first 6 zones in the given time of 2 hours and a half. Looked something like, come if the Openfree is made to attract greater participation and this has been done a little, it is not logical is to maintain the previous system of 2 consecutive passes of each pilot areas, in all categories and also with a time very little to reach the first time control of zone 6. When the pilots of the absolute category have come to the first area of difficult access, found with a great..