Jose Manuel Dominguez Prieto

This is a church of cowardly hearts and weak hands. Neither plays, does penance, nor enjoys author: Jose Manuel Dominguez Prieto Source: was once taught that members of the Catholic Church formed three groups: the militant, that Pilgrim on the ground working for the Kingdom; the purgative, formed by those who, after his death, are purifying to enter into eternal life, and the triumphant, formed by those blessed who are already in the presence of the father. As well, today we could add another category: the Church of the Christian sleepers. They belong to this group who baptized their children by the Church and like to summon a lot of priests to celebrate the funeral of the father or the mother (as until this quantified and taken as a criterion of distinction and class), but spend the rest of his life ignoring that Church claim it to belong. Spiritualists Sunday of twelve to twelve and a half and materialistic the rest of the week, living with unwillingness anything that sounds religious. They exchange rites for safety, seekers of precautions, prudence, ornate virtues of poppy.

False believers that their lukewarmness carried be considered virtuous it is not only the resignation of themselves. And so they end up calling the weakness of character, humility to his helplessness, resignation to his cowardice meekness. And are that, in the end, end up by protest and get angry when Dios does not fold to his will: do my will, so in the sky as in my land. Remember the Iglesia-institucion only to criticize it. And in this they walk wide awake to not leave puppet head. They are specialists in criticizing the Pope: if travelling, because it travels; If not, because does not travel. If it is old, because it is old. If it is old and travels, even worse. And they criticize the Bishop and the parish priest and this and that movement. Only they, beyond good and evil, seem to be in the truth about what the Church should be.