Zlata Money
Therefore, in his opinion, it was silly, for example, brings people together around the idea of superiority true Aryans, as silly as, say, to try to build internal and external policies of the state, depending on the commitment of citizens or of other states to cross the Bulgarian embroidery hobby. Policy in very short period of time were able to convince people that money is too good. To achieve these objectives, Europe, thriving industry at the expense of politically informed plunder all growing colonies, even created a new religion, endorsing the hoarding and the worship of Zlata. Persistent, flavored temptations efforts of politicians has led to the fact that such views rapidly spread to the New World, the rest of America, the colony European countries, on Russia and then to Asia. Today, politics everywhere and in everything. Policy approaches and ideas, the existence of an incredibly huge mass of money not secured by any other goods (by achromatic D es Kopachev called such money is "virtual" or "empty") brought the global financial system to a crisis is inevitable that Kopachev predicted back in 1992.
But it is not in crisis, or rather, not only in it alone. The main threat is that while the world is governed by politics, while in a society dominated by traditional representations of the past century and regulations – sliding towards a catastrophe can not be avoided! An urgent need to change people's perceptions on true. To help resolve conflicts, to eliminate confrontation, opening the natural destination of man, in helping to solve those problems that Nature put in front of our beautiful planet! Today I I see that possibility in the realization of development left to us Kopachevym, which he called achromatism. Since his death has been more than a decade, and new advances in science and technology, perhaps in the depths of Society has arisen a new more perfect doctrine. If it also provides a natural and quick transfer of Man to a new stage of development, by helping to eliminate the opposition and prevent a global catastrophe I am ready all his powers and opportunities to put the implementation of such a task. But until a viable alternative to achromatic transformation is nowhere in sight.