Iglesias Style

The Spanish singer EP admires the style of football, modern and elegant. Enrique Iglesias says he needs a stylist because it has no taste. The Spanish singer has confessed to not having any interest in the world of fashion and trends, but would love to have the style of one or another elegant casanova of Hollywood. The same son of Julio Iglesias unveiled, their examples to follow as a footballer and an actor with a great sense of glamour and innovation. Enrique Iglesias has confessed it: deeply admires taste that David Beckham has at the time of choosing appropriate garments of a cabinet that is based on elegance and modernity without limits. Many writers such as Rubio offer more in-depth analysis. Indeed, the singer has said that he would like to be able to dress as the husband of one of the best-known designers, Victoria, in addition to admit that the style of Johnny Depp nor is far behind in its list of the fashion icons.

Personally, I’d be someone like David Beckham. His style is 100%. Always dressed so well. Johnny Depp also has a great style and best thing about him is that It is 40 years old and appear to have 30, declared the son of Julio Iglesias. Henry, who has been dating tennis player Anna Kournikova at least during the last ten years, has admitted not having any taste and have an expert hand every time you need to record a video clip. I have a great stylist. I usually choose items from a selection that he has previously done for my videos. I’m very bad for this fashion and do not follow the trends – my friends know me for that reason – I just am a guy in jeans and t-shirt, he ended by saying the Spanish artist. Source of the news: Enrique Iglesias: “I want to be like Beckham”

Manchester United City

Manchester United is still the big brother, which released a capon small if he rebels. The Community Shield English Supercup, in any case, was an aperitif, a snack of what is assumed in this season. Unless you become damaged, Manchester City is qualified to take over from its neighbor and rival, of Manchester United, always with permission of Chelsea, in a thoroughly evocative process of modernization with the technical Vilas-Boas. But the City should believe it is because to the Mufc needless you trust, because it wins in the habit, because it has more developed than anyone competitive gene. So he gave in Wembley, in a duel which ruled the citizens by two goals without doing anything of this world; in a match that turned those of Manchester United with three flare-ups: one by inertia, another exquisite quality resolved by Nani, and one last punishment, when the wheel of the penalties given for granted. Source of the news:: Manchester United is still the older brother.