Carl Zeiss

Stereo microscopes for demanding tasks in MAZeT are since more than 10 years of embedded computing solutions developed for medical applications and manufactured, so also the electronics for the new generation of high-performance stereomicroscopes SteREO Lumar. V12 and SteREO discovery. V12 of the Carl Zeiss AG, whose entire electronics development comes from the design of MAZeT. Task for electronics and software are here to give the stereo microscopes with brilliant optical characteristics for demanding routine and research tasks through innovative electronic control comfort and best performance. The modular, extensible system concept this microscope device electronics includes the operating and Control unit as well as CAN based device bus a variety of sensor – and Aktorbaugruppen.

It provided engines to the focus and the variation of the figure scale, sensors for the detection of filter colors and other features. The system control panel (SyCOP) is an innovative, user-friendly control, based on a 32-bit XScale-processor and Windows CE. The example of Carl Zeiss AG shows how to translate the demands of customers for special features, usability and system extensibility in innovative electronics and software solutions. The development of custom electronic assemblies is increasingly outsourced not only in the medical device manufacturing to external service providers when small quantities, special requests and price pressures in combination meet long product life and device lifetime. The MAZeT GmbH is in this area as a member of the EMS initiative of competent partner for customers who appreciate quality and close cooperation press contact:The 1992 company headquartered in Jena develops, manufactures and delivers software, custom electronic assemblies and ASICs and distributes world’s own JEN COLOR-branded products. Through the wide range of technology and application know-how, the MAZeT GmbH in the field of industrial electronics and opt sensors is a reliable and proven service partner for tailored, customer-specific solutions. Their development expertise and components for special applications are used among other things in the entire range of industrial meteorology control automation, and medical technology.

Decision Makers

2013 Actively, actively counteract the shortage of personnel manager with employee retention and members of the management team of that put the right course for the future to worry about the issue of staff retention. You actively counteract the skills shortage in the company through systematic staff retention. Decision makers in Bavaria have opportunity to learn all about it at a trade seminar in Munich in June 2013. Employee retention is the second most important topic for the personnel work in 2013 in Germany, Austria and in the Switzerland immediately after the establishment of a positive corporate culture. The current HR report 2012/2013 comes to this conclusion. For this study, the Institute for employment and employability (IBE) on behalf of the recruitment specialist of Hays surveyed 714 decision-makers from companies in these three countries. Shortage in Bavaria and nationwide in Germany reported the Federal Agency for work in a staff bottleneck analysis regularly, in which sectors and regions shortage There is.

In Bavaria and other Western provinces, the skills shortage, according to the BA analysis by June 2012 concerned particularly the electrical sector, IT Careers, as well as the companies operating in the fields of mechanical and automotive engineering, Mechatronics and energy. In these industries, particularly specialized professionals, especially engineers are missing in Bavaria and most other western Lander. Health and nursing professions labour, shortages even nationwide in search of doctors, the BA analysis based on simple numbers shows. Digression: special case doctors not a defect, but a distribution problem already 27.06.2011 in an article in the German medical journal before a looming shortage of physicians in Bavaria, despite rising number of doctors warned. One was an increase of part-time workers and doctors, who rather go on maternity leave than their male counterparts. On the other hand is already foreseeable that E.g. for the estimated 4,600 established general practitioners, the 2020 retirement will go, about 1,400 successor are missing.

Simia: Nature Pur High In The Treetops

New ECO climbing forest sets standards in terms of durability and AMSTERDAM of experience of nature, Netherlands. With the completion of the Simia climbing forest, Wekerom, the Dutch specialist of Skywalker adventure builders has emphasized strongly its role as one of the most innovative manufacturers of climbing parks in Europe. One of our was main effort to give people with disabilities, who find themselves excluded at the moment unfortunately in many cases still by the possibility to actively take part in climbing activities, this possibility in the future ‘, says Frank Bookelmann, the initiator of the forest rope park project in Wekerom. ‘ In this respect, we have deliberately engaged Skywalker with the construction. The company is its contemporaries in terms of reliability, durability and natural friendliness of its products far ahead. And Skywalker have already show their readiness during the first preliminary talks, to enter fully into the project as a partner.’ Ewout van Voorst, the C.o.o.

of Skywalker B.V..,. explains: ‘ Simia is just like our company a company for the social aspects play an important role, which socially committed in this context and which will also appeal to people with physical disabilities or learning difficulties. Both our corporate social responsibility very seriously.’ Willeke Lagerweij, co-owner of Simia, added: ‘Skywalker is to our knowledge the only manufacturer of climbing park, invested a lot of time and resources in innovative product development,’ adds Willeke Lagerweij, the co-owner of Simia. ‘ Tags such as durability and natural compatibility are pure lip service or commercial gimmicks for many companies. Skywalker however translates both into practice. Still, we have examined critically the designs presented by Skywalker from two points of view. Tree experts say guarantees developed by Skywalker and anchoring technology for climbing courses used permanent tree health.’ ‘ Our concepts meet the highest European safety standards’, van Voorst continues. ‘ The Simia project is now the fourth of our climbing forest projects, which was equipped with the Edelrid smart belay climbing safety system, to the visitors to allow 100% climbing safety without limiting the fun-factor.’ Simia is the newest natural climbing facility in the Netherlands and will be opened this years in phases since mid-April.

Dali Discover

On the 05.05.2012, Dali Berlin to the long invites night family. Berlin, may 2, 2012. The long night of the family is waiting for this year again. At 125 locations in the city and in the surrounding area children can on May 5 with their parents in the evening and at night experience exciting, explore new and try out together unknown. For the first time now also the cultural highlight Dali exhibition at Potsdamer Platz invites”all large and small visitors on Saturday, the 05.05.2012 between 18 and 21: 00, welcome to one to leave at night enchanted by Salvador Dali.

The families have the opportunity during her visit, without additional cost to take part in one of the almost hourly held public tours with the Dali_Scouts. The historic lithography press from about 1850 will be commissioned in the live demonstrations of lithography that evening again and allows a journey through time with the technology revolution by Dali. As one of the few, this Museum offers conversational tours as a special experience for the interested visitors daily almost hourly as public tours for 6 in. The Dali_Scouts allow the participants, the invitation to follow Dali come into my brain on a journey into his surreal world and explain the various techniques of art, which masterfully dominated Dali, and often completely revolutionized in the course of its paranoic critical approach among others. On the evening of 5 may, attending one of these public guides with valid ticket is free of charge.

Dali works and the Museum can be explored on an exciting treasure hunt. The entry only 4 (adults) or 2 (children) costs to the long night of the family. Over three years Dali exhibition at Potsdamer Platz offers”as a Museum for the first time permanently pulsed the most comprehensive insight in Dali’s virtuoso mastery of almost all techniques of art directly in Berlin Mitte. With over 450 exhibits from private collections around the world, that is multi-layered and complex work of the most popular and at the same time the most polarizing Spanish artist.

Delighting Your 21-Year Old Self

Turning 21 does  not just have to happen on your 21st birthday.  No; it can happen whenever you choose for it to happen.  So if you’re just turning 21, repeating your 39th birthday or even not much shy of your 80s, we have all the delights you need for tapping into that 21-year-old self that exists in everyone.

In some states in America (think: Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky and a whole slew of others) you are finally legally allowed to consume alcohol. It is hoped that at this age one can do so in moderation, when it’s still fun and enjoyable.  So go to a nice restaurant or bar and enjoy some fancy red wine in honor of your special day.

Perhaps you want to decide on a special theme party for your day.  Consider one of your passions and try to turn it into a party (better still, get your significant other/good friend to do it for you!)   How about doing one of those hot air balloon extravaganzas from where you literally are “on top of the world?”  isn’t that what turning 21 – again – is all about?

This is just a few of the ideas we have to make you enjoy turning (or re-turning) 21.  Stay tuned for more!