Carnegie Mellon University

This innovative system has been developed by a team of scientists from the Robotics Institute of the Carnegie Mellon University in United States. The mechanism consists of obtaining a succession 3D images by projecting light on drops of water. From my opinion this gossip is based on the style of Star Wars, haven’t who not wanted have one? The operation is relatively simple. First multiple waterfalls are placed on an ongoing basis to give depth to the images. A camera is responsible for registering information about the drops and send it to a projector, which does influence light pulses on the water. And last but not least is the human eye which achieves the desired result, creates an illusion optics that generates 3D images moving in the air. Applications of this invention are multiple, from games to the projection of images, movies or even texts floating in the air. Personally I find very interesting this gadget, as people are saying the Professor of Robotics Narasimhan puedeinteraccionar with the mechanism performing water drops and altering images, but this is not the most important thing, but when this fully developed this technology cannot predict the potential that is able to obtain, something amazing. Once I thought some kind of mechanism capable of projecting images in the air, but I never thought that I’d get through drops of water.